Setting your Personal Goals - Keep it Short and Simple (KISS)

Well the KISS acronym can go 2 ways:
1) Keep It Short and Simple or just
2) Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Let's face it, we live in an already complicated world. The last thing anyone wants is another to-do list for an extravagant life-long goal. Work is constantly piling up, the house will always need maintenance, the kids need to go for sports training or remedial, and the in-laws demand your appearance.

Life calls for you to juggle your professional and familial relationships and manage everyone's expectations. But look at it this way, you can go through life and its motions and forget to live. Sure you push all the right buttons and get things done, but is that what you want or is that what others want of you? You can climb the ladders of success and be so good at it for so long that you forget why you began climbing in the first place. Why do you do what you do? And is that the same motivating factor that you started with?

To simplify life, and before you renew your life goals, it's always best to go back to basics. What convictions set you out to study? Why did you choose to work? Marry? Have a family? Create this eating lifestyle? Learn a bad habit? Volunteer in church?

In any and every aspect of life, if you can answer the reason for what governs your actions, evaluating goals can be simpler. Whether starting a new goal or renewing a current goal, examine your motives to see if that's the right direction you intended to start with. If not, realign your directions or your attitude altogether.

And if these life goals which you started out seem to be drifting further away from you, let's see if we can work something out to bring you closer to your ideals again. Start your journey and let me in on it so we can work together!

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