Power of Protein

Protein is a necessary macronutrient of the body, and should comprise 20-35% of your daily diet. It is needed in muscle function by providing essential amino acids to be used in the body.

You can get this either via animal-based protein, that is fish or chicken (red meat is harder to digest and should be eaten sparingly); or via plant-based protein. Plants or fungi can provide incomplete amino acids but a variety of it through the day forms a complete nutrient intake.

Take in moderation though. To calculate, ladies should have about 0.8g per kg of body weight while men can take 1g per kg of body weight and athletes a bit more at 1.2g. Example, a 55kg woman can take 45g of protein; a 55kg man can take 55g then.

Start today with a good amount of proteins in your food, cutting down carbs so you don't pack on the pounds.

But you're having a substantial amount of protein and seem to be having health issues or are not gaining muscle mass, you're in need of a body composition analysis.

Give me a tinkle for a free body wellness evaluation - 83589451

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