
Showing posts from August, 2017

Perks of Being Vegetarian

If you've tried a vegetarian diet or gone to the extreme of being vegan before (or if you still are, congrats), you would have noticed many changes to your body. For one, your step would be lighter, because you've either shed some weight or gotten more energetic. Second, you would have understood the difficulty in selecting foods that you would otherwise have gobbled down without a thought. For a start, here are some types of vegetarians and the diets they eat. Pure vegetarian diet - eating meat less than once per month. Semi-vegetarian diet - low consumption of meat (more than once per month but less than once per week) Pesco-vegetarian diet - consumption of fish more than once per month Non-vegetarian diet - eating meat more than once per week A study published by Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics showed a mainly plant-based dietary pattern is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to a non-vegetarian diet. Furthermore, diets rich

Difficulties of Being Vegetarian

Whether going vegetarian or vegan, if you've tried eating just greens for a day, you would know the difficulties of sticking with your diet. Salad stops are not as easily available too, and even if they are, the price is going to make your head spin. Anyhow, these are but small inconveniences compared to the health benefits and wholesome diet of fresh produce. A little hassle can be afforded by a disciplined and nutritionally-sound lifestyle, since it is your body and your family that reap the benefits. Here, let's cover on protein as a macronutrient for your body's essential functions. How Much Protein Protein makes up about 30% of your daily diet... or at least it should. To calculate how much is enough for you, the body needs 0.8g of protein per kg of your body weight daily. And if you have a rather active lifestyle (akin to moderate/intense exercise 2-3 times a week), your body requires 1g per kg of body weight. Where To Get Protein Plant based protein li

Personal Development - Mental wellness and life-long learning

Why: Keeping your mind sharp is one way of maintaining your overall wellbeing. Mental wellness is boosted by constantly giving yourself the right nutrients, but the most direct means of working your mind is to do mental exercises. Like the rest of the muscles in your body, the brain needs a good workout, through informational input and output. Mental degradation happens over time. A granduncle of mine had stopped working for 5 years, and in the last 2 he left the house less frequently due to joint pains. In that time he became so reclusive that he visibly aged... not just in appearance but more so in his interaction with people. He was slower to respond and seemed to take a longer time to think. He is still joyful and likes to be around people though, and this was but a setback in this phase of his life. How: There are a few ways to stave off this issue. Learning a new skill stimulates different parts of the brain, allowing new neuron pathways to form and connect in the br

Setting your Personal Goals - Keep it Short and Simple (KISS)

Well the KISS acronym can go 2 ways: 1) Keep It Short and Simple or just 2) Keep It Simple, Stupid! Let's face it, we live in an already complicated world. The last thing anyone wants is another to-do list for an extravagant life-long goal. Work is constantly piling up, the house will always need maintenance, the kids need to go for sports training or remedial, and the in-laws demand your appearance. Life calls for you to juggle your professional and familial relationships and manage everyone's expectations. But look at it this way, you can go through life and its motions and forget to live. Sure you push all the right buttons and get things done, but is that what you want or is that what others want of you? You can climb the ladders of success and be so good at it for so long that you forget why you began climbing in the first place. Why do you do what you do? And is that the same motivating factor that you started with? To simplify life, and before you renew

Exercise Science: Muscle Recovery

Courtesy of Herbalife24, this is a sports drinks at its finest. Protein depletion occurs during exercise and immediately repairs cells once workouts are done, so what you feed your body in the next 15 to 30 minutes determines what's going into the repair process. If you're an athlete or are working out at high intensive levels at least 30 minutes a week, be good to your body. Please get a sports drink that supports your health and recovers at a reasonable rate instead of hurting for the next few days. Do contact me if you'd like to get your hands on some.

Nutrition Advice from Susan Bowerman

Need some inspiration on what to prepare for the dinner table? Need to be sure that what you're cooking is ideal for your family and yourself? Be safe with these sound nutritional advice. You are what you eat, so eat healthy and eat heart. Contact me for more information on healthy dieting!

HOW TO Make an Herbalife Shake | Start Personalizing YOUR Shake Today!

For the foodie and even the lazy mum in the mornings, these are really simple to make nutrition milk shakes. Kickstart the day with a blended breakfast that's got all the essential nutrients your body needs. Contact me for more info on getting started with this healthy shake!

Herbalife fit tips with Samantha Clayton

There's no way to live unless it's an healthy active lifestyle. Here are some awesome workout videos anyone can follow, for the home or gym. If you're looking for a group of people who are committed to weekly exercises, check in on the Fit Club that is happening at JCube every Tuesday 7.30-9pm! Contact me so we know to expect you.