Perks of Being Vegetarian

If you've tried a vegetarian diet or gone to the extreme of being vegan before (or if you still are, congrats), you would have noticed many changes to your body. For one, your step would be lighter, because you've either shed some weight or gotten more energetic. Second, you would have understood the difficulty in selecting foods that you would otherwise have gobbled down without a thought.

For a start, here are some types of vegetarians and the diets they eat.
  1. Pure vegetarian diet - eating meat less than once per month.
  2. Semi-vegetarian diet - low consumption of meat (more than once per month but less than once per week)
  3. Pesco-vegetarian diet - consumption of fish more than once per month
  4. Non-vegetarian diet - eating meat more than once per week
A study published by Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics showed a mainly plant-based dietary pattern is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to a non-vegetarian diet. Furthermore, diets rich in fruit and vegetables, accompanied by the consumption of fish, may exert benefits toward lowering the risk of cancers in the digestive tract.

Here's how a mostly-vegetarian diet does its magic:
  • Dietary fibre from fruit, vegetables and whole grains exert anti-carcinogenic effects through a direct action in the gastrointestinal tract. 
  • Fibre reduces transit time and thus the contact of carcinogens in intestines.
  • It also increases the binding of carcinogens and the production of short-chain fatty acids.
  • Fish may provide an adequate amount of anti-oxidant effects at a systemic level.
So watch those greens you or your kids have been putting aside. It can mean the fine balance between being fighting fit or fighting for your life.

There are some downsides to a vegetarian diet though... Unbalanced vegetarian diets may lack in essential macronutrients, especially protein. However, compared to uncontrolled omnivorous diets, vegetarian diets are said to benefit your body with better quality of nutrients. Just be sure to pay attention in getting more proteins into building your body and maintaining muscle functions.

Advertisement time!
Herbalife products are aimed at helping you get your protein, carbohydrates and micronutrients like vitamins A and C and iron easily absorbed into your body. It is made from plant-based nutrients and has no meat derivatives, getting essential proteins from soy and whey. Vegetarians can still get their daily nutrition from this shake, and be empowered throughout the day!

Also, if you're looking for change your dietary habits, just contact me and we'll get started on a disciplined plan.

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, July 2016,

Agnes (left) is an example of a disciplined full-time vegetarian. She recently lost 4% body fat joining our Fit Club and perusing the Nutrition Shake!

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