
Counting Christmas Calories

Why count your calories now? Because new year is rolling around soon and before you know it, you've blown the chance to start the year right. If chicken was part of the family feast you had over the Christmas weekend, and it should, then you'll likely have taken 248 calories per serving. It is estimated at 25% fat (especially if fried) and 75% protein. So bulking up during these feasts are a good time to start. The excess protein from ham, turkey and sausages are essential amino acids for muscle growth when you exercise. Protein and carbohydrates combined, like chicken potato pie and Chinese-style meat buns and fish & chips, are a common combo in Singaporean menus. It can provide upwards of 220 calories per serving, which is 1 fist size. And dishes don't come in small fist sizes, right? The less carbs the better, so your body won't have to store the excess carbs as fats instead. Nonetheless, the ever-present cookies and delicacies of the season are alway

New Year New You

The new year is a great time to look back at the old year and thank God for how far you've come. As you evaluate, look forward to the new year ahead with hope and anticipation that it will be better as you better yourself. "There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." - Zig Ziglar Physically as you aim to be healthier, fitter and with improved energy, look to take care of your diet by counting calories. The more you're aware of your quality of food, the more you'll notice your body changing for good. (Go vegan!) Also, insert up to 3 workouts into your weekly schedule, especially if you lead a generally sedentary lifestyle. Emotionally and socially , it is important to make time for what relaxes and recharges you. Find an activity that makes you happier or more uplifted; for ladies it might be a social gathering or karaoke and men could use a visit to the beach or golf course with buddies. Spiritually be with God and in tune with t

Power of Protein

Protein is a necessary macronutrient of the body, and should comprise 20-35% of your daily diet. It is needed in muscle function by providing essential amino acids to be used in the body. You can get this either via animal-based protein, that is fish or chicken (red meat is harder to digest and should be eaten sparingly); or via plant-based protein. Plants or fungi can provide incomplete amino acids but a variety of it through the day forms a complete nutrient intake. Take in moderation though. To calculate, ladies should have about 0.8g per kg of body weight while men can take 1g per kg of body weight and athletes a bit more at 1.2g. Example, a 55kg woman can take 45g of protein; a 55kg man can take 55g then. Start today with a good amount of proteins in your food, cutting down carbs so you don't pack on the pounds. But you're having a substantial amount of protein and seem to be having health issues or are not gaining muscle mass, you're in need of a body compos

10-Day Health Programme

Call it what you want, weight loss challenge, health bootcamp, nutrition plan... we're here to bring your body back into shape and have its engine performing optimally. It's a whole meal package provided with a personalised meal plan for 10 days. Body evaluation coupled with the right nutrition and daily health explanations, nothing says wellness coaching better than this. Promo at $80 ends this month! Usual price will be $100. End the year having accomplished your new year's resolution to shape up and be healthier. Contact Kylie 83589451 for more info - Contact Us .

Perks of Being Vegetarian

If you've tried a vegetarian diet or gone to the extreme of being vegan before (or if you still are, congrats), you would have noticed many changes to your body. For one, your step would be lighter, because you've either shed some weight or gotten more energetic. Second, you would have understood the difficulty in selecting foods that you would otherwise have gobbled down without a thought. For a start, here are some types of vegetarians and the diets they eat. Pure vegetarian diet - eating meat less than once per month. Semi-vegetarian diet - low consumption of meat (more than once per month but less than once per week) Pesco-vegetarian diet - consumption of fish more than once per month Non-vegetarian diet - eating meat more than once per week A study published by Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics showed a mainly plant-based dietary pattern is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to a non-vegetarian diet. Furthermore, diets rich

Difficulties of Being Vegetarian

Whether going vegetarian or vegan, if you've tried eating just greens for a day, you would know the difficulties of sticking with your diet. Salad stops are not as easily available too, and even if they are, the price is going to make your head spin. Anyhow, these are but small inconveniences compared to the health benefits and wholesome diet of fresh produce. A little hassle can be afforded by a disciplined and nutritionally-sound lifestyle, since it is your body and your family that reap the benefits. Here, let's cover on protein as a macronutrient for your body's essential functions. How Much Protein Protein makes up about 30% of your daily diet... or at least it should. To calculate how much is enough for you, the body needs 0.8g of protein per kg of your body weight daily. And if you have a rather active lifestyle (akin to moderate/intense exercise 2-3 times a week), your body requires 1g per kg of body weight. Where To Get Protein Plant based protein li

Personal Development - Mental wellness and life-long learning

Why: Keeping your mind sharp is one way of maintaining your overall wellbeing. Mental wellness is boosted by constantly giving yourself the right nutrients, but the most direct means of working your mind is to do mental exercises. Like the rest of the muscles in your body, the brain needs a good workout, through informational input and output. Mental degradation happens over time. A granduncle of mine had stopped working for 5 years, and in the last 2 he left the house less frequently due to joint pains. In that time he became so reclusive that he visibly aged... not just in appearance but more so in his interaction with people. He was slower to respond and seemed to take a longer time to think. He is still joyful and likes to be around people though, and this was but a setback in this phase of his life. How: There are a few ways to stave off this issue. Learning a new skill stimulates different parts of the brain, allowing new neuron pathways to form and connect in the br